标签 ImageVue 下的文章

Fixed Filemod bug
Added Google Analytics folder/files tracking
Fixed thumbnails with “globalpath” when loading from non-default gallery location.
When you open flash galllery custom language is reset to default one
After moving/copying files you stay in the current folder
Fixed an issue with minus sign in menu [icon.png]
Fixed missing messages in CSS editor in Imagevue
Better expanding textareas in Config editor
Stripped [icon] from page title in admin
Wider inputs in config editor
Trial expires not that quick now
Ctrl-A/Cmd-A Selection of files in admin doesn’t block selections in textfields
Fix for #/links replacement for HTML gallery
Clean theme delete
Orphaned thumbnail remover
Changed frontend HTML
Better handling of paths with non-latin characters (Not recommended)

Download link : http://www.gokuai.com/f/54641lJDmZo4CIj2


Imagevue X2.7.2
Fixed a few issues, including the menu tooltip bug and the languages- bug reported recently in this thread.
Fixed: Language switcher bug introduced in one of the previous updates
Fixed: Bugs with main menu folderdescription/tooltips
Fixed: Authorization didn't work in IE
New: If Fotomoto is down Imagevue won't wait to load their scripts
New: Updated Dutch language

Info & Demo : http://imagevuex.com/updatelog/imagevue-x2-7-2/

Download link : http://www.gokuai.com/f/437983b83815hI65


Imagevue X2.7.1 - Jun 1, 2011

Small corrections here and there and a few important things:

Fix: Bug with @ character for Windows
Fix: Bug with languages when title is disabled
Fix: Bug with thumbnails for non-latin
Fix: Fotomoto "buy" button
Fix: Bug with breadcrumbs, they inherited folder icons in title
Fix: Files were moved instead of copy
Fix: HTML gallery was displaying files with ignored extentions
New: Added language parsing directly from PHP. Provides some new possibilities
New: Reset SFX for main menu pre-X2.7 style
New: Added updated Hungarian language
New: Automatic language switch example in htaccess.txt

Info & Demo : http://imagevuex.com/blog/imagevue-x27/

Download link : http://www.gokuai.com/f/982uVo18ME45qwHH


ImageVue 是一款非常华丽的基于 Flash+PHP+Javascript 的相册程序。如今的后台界面已相当漂亮了,可惜对中文支持依然糟糕至极。


英文版下载地址 http://www.gokuai.com/f/6x86EG1K99TG0013

中文包下载地址 http://www.gokuai.com/f/rNY0A6y02z8q4tFa
