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WordPress 3.3 is ready for beta testers.

As always, this is software still in development and we don’t recommend that you run it on a production site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. If you break it (find a bug), please report it, and if you’re a developer, try to help us fix it.

If all goes well, we hope to release WordPress 3.3 by the end of November. The more help we get with testing and fixing bugs, the sooner we will be able to release the final version. If you want to be a beta tester, you should check out the Codex article on how to report bugs.

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中广网北京10月12日消息(记者唐明)据经济之声报道,淘宝卖家为淘宝商城送上了一个突如其来的“10·11事变”。 10号晚9点后,近7000名网友结集YY语音,对韩都衣舍、欧莎、七格格、优衣库等淘宝商城大卖家,实施“拍商品、给差评、拒付款”的恶意操作行为。四家店铺多数商品均已被迫下架,专家提醒暴力不能解决问题,同时面临巨大法律风险。中央台记者唐明报道。

突如其来的冲击让韩都衣舍、欧莎、七格格、优衣库等淘宝商城大卖家几乎瘫痪。遭遇同行的攻击大卖家们觉得自己很冤。大卖家七格格在接受记者采访 时表示正在等官方进一步解决。目前公司工作还是有条不紊的,对损失还能承受,不过七格格认为这样的行动其实是苦了那些真正的中小卖家。现在多数都是泄私愤 的人。但也许噩梦才刚刚开始,一个小卖家告诉记者,目前反淘宝联盟已经达到2万人,而且还将进行进一步活动。

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  12岁创业ceo田众和:1999年出生的,今年12岁,小学五年级学生。据媒体报道他11岁就对c语言学习的非常熟练,当年做了一个“Othink”微型操作系统,当年还获得了腾讯公司提供的300元创业贷款。田众和利用这来之不易的300元贷款,租赁了一个服务器,创办了他的第一个网站——时代软件工作室官方网站。 此后靠着工作室网站他用编程软件伪装成年人招募了11名成年人合伙开发网站程序,并建设了4个网站,通过销售软件、网站程序,外加广告收入,4个月盈利了3万元。没错,这则新闻是东方今报在今年9月初报道的新闻。


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                                                         -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Changes with Apache 2.2.21

  *) SECURITY: CVE-2011-3348 (cve.mitre.org)
     mod_proxy_ajp: Respond with HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED when the method is not
     recognized.  [Jean-Frederic Clere]

  *) Fix a regression introduced by the CVE-2011-3192 byterange fix in 2.2.20.
     PR 51748. [<lowprio20 gmail.com>]

  *) mod_filter: Instead of dropping the Accept-Ranges header when a filter
     registered with AP_FILTER_PROTO_NO_BYTERANGE is present,
     set the header value to "none". [Eric Covener, Ruediger Pluem]

  *) mod_proxy_ajp: Ignore flushing if headers have not been sent.
     PR 51608 [Ruediger Pluem]

  *) mod_dav_fs: Fix segfault if apr DBM driver cannot be loaded. PR 51751.
     [Stefan Fritsch]

  *) mod_alias: Adjust log severity of "incomplete redirection target"
     message. PR 44020.

  *) mod_rewrite: Check validity of each internal (int:) RewriteMap even if the
     RewriteEngine is disabled in server context, avoiding a crash while
     referencing the invalid int: map at runtime. PR 50994.
     [Ben Noordhuis <info noordhuis nl>]

  *) core: Allow MaxRanges none|unlimited|default and set 'Accept-Ranges: none'
     in the case Ranges are being ignored with MaxRanges none.
     [Eric Covener]

  *) mod_proxy_ajp: Respect "reuse" flag in END_REPONSE packets.
     [Rainer Jung]
download link http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi

-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Changes with Apache 2.2.20

*) SECURITY: CVE-2011-3192 (cve.mitre.org)
core: Fix handling of byte-range requests to use less memory, to avoid
denial of service. If the sum of all ranges in a request is larger than
the original file, ignore the ranges and send the complete file.
PR 51714. [Stefan Fritsch, Jim Jagielski, Ruediger Pluem, Eric Covener]

*) mod_authnz_ldap: If the LDAP server returns constraint violation,
don't treat this as an error but as "auth denied". [Stefan Fritsch]

*) mod_filter: Fix FilterProvider conditions of type "resp=" (response
headers) for CGI. [Joe Orton, Rainer Jung]

*) mod_reqtimeout: Fix a timed out connection going into the keep-alive
state after a timeout when discarding a request body. PR 51103.
[Stefan Fritsch]

*) core: Do the hook sorting earlier so that the hooks are properly sorted
for the pre_config hook and during parsing the config. [Stefan Fritsch]

[Apache 2.1.0-dev includes those bug fixes and changes with the
Apache 2.0.xx tree as documented, and except as noted, below.]

Changes with Apache 2.0.x and later:

*) http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/httpd/httpd/branches/2.0.x/CHANGES?view=markup


download link http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi