Nginx(engine x)是一个高性能的HTTP和反向代理服务器,也是一个IMAP/POP3/SMTP代理服务器. Nginx是由Igor Sysoev为俄罗斯访问量第二的Rambler.ru站点开发的,它已经在该站点运行超过两年半了.其特点是占有内存少,并发能力强,事实上Nginx 的并发能力确实在同类型的网页伺服器中表现较好。目前中国大陆使用Nginx网站用户有:新浪、网易、腾讯。

Changes with nginx 0.8.44                                        05 Jul 2010

*) Change: now nginx does not cache by default backend responses, if
they have a "Set-Cookie" header line.

*) Feature: the "listen" directive supports the "setfib" parameter.
Thanks to Andrew Filonov.

*) Bugfix: the "sub_filter" directive might change character case on
partial match.

*) Bugfix: compatibility with HP/UX.

*) Bugfix: compatibility with AIX xcl_r compiler.

*) Bugfix: nginx treated a large SSLv2 packets as plain requests.
Thanks to Miroslaw Jaworski.

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