Pure-FTPd 是一个自由的(BSD) FTP 服务器. 它能够在许多的类Unix系统上编译和运行,包括 Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFly BSD, Solaris, Tru64, Darwin, Irix and HP-UX 等.
Pure-FTPd 基于 Troll-FTPd,当前由Frank Denis 领导的团队开发维护.
pureftpd 今早紧急发布了1.0.30版本,主要就是修复了一个STARTTLS加密方面的漏洞(CVE-2011-0411),如果你的ftp正在使用TLS的话,请立即升级。


Pure-FTPd 1.0.30 has been released.
pure-quotacheck can now work with a large number of files.
OPTS UTF-8 is now an alias to OPTS UTF8.
Fix a STARTTLS flaw similar to Postfix’s CVE-2011-0411. If you’re using TLS, upgrading is recommended.

MD5 (pure-ftpd-1.0.30.tar.bz2) = 865a9020dbe48d30913c796ac3ec1f32
MD5 (pure-ftpd-1.0.30.tar.gz) = 29e2a68e756d09f4aff8f4f76435b020

Since releasing Imagevue X2.6 a weeks ago, we have released a few revisions that fix some minor bugs in X2.6. This is a compilation log of release revisions from 2.6.1 through to 2.6.4

* Fix: Bug that caused Imagevue to not work if audio player is disabled
* Fix: “View as” list bug when upgrading from the previous version
* Fix: Imagevue Touch shortcut Icon
* Fix: javascript Error in IE
* Fix: Removed shadow artifacts
* Fix: IIS REQUEST_URI incompatibility
* Fix: Path in “Can’t save configuration file” error
* Fix: Bugs with authorization (2.6.3)
* Fix: Small typo in config (2.6.3)
* Fix: for folderOpen.gif 404 (2.6.3)
* Fix: Infinite recursion bug which affects only certain versions of PHP5.2 (2.6.2)
* Fix: IPTC National chars issue (2.6.1)

更新信息 http://imagevuex.com/updatelog/imagevue-x2-6-4/

演示 http://imagevuex.com/demo/x2/

下载地址 http://www.gokuai.com/f/6x86EG1K99TG0013

LNMP一键安装包是一个用Linux Shell编写的可以为CentOS/RadHat、Debian VPS(VDS)或独立主机安装LNMP(Nginx、MySQL、PHP、phpMyAdmin)生产环境的Shell程序。

LNMP 0.6是一个安装优化版,主要是处理脚本安装过程中的错误及添加Ubuntu专用安装脚本(安装成功率大大提升),并未对安装程序的版本进行升级。



Nginx 0.7.67
MySQL 5.1.48
PHP 5.2.14
PHPMyAdmin 3.3.7

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