肥兔 发布的文章

Nginx(engine x)是一个高性能的HTTP和反向代理服务器,也是一个IMAP/POP3/SMTP代理服务器. Nginx是由Igor Sysoev为俄罗斯访问量第二的Rambler.ru站点开发的,它已经在该站点运行超过两年半了.其特点是占有内存少,并发能力强,事实上Nginx 的并发能力确实在同类型的网页伺服器中表现较好。目前中国大陆使用Nginx网站用户有:新浪、网易、腾讯。

Changes with nginx 0.8.48                                        03 Aug 2010

*) Change: now the "server_name" directive default value is an empty
name "".
Thanks to Gena Makhomed.

*) Change: now the "server_name_in_redirect" directive default value is

*) Feature: the $geoip_dma_code, $geoip_area_code, and
$geoip_region_name variables.
Thanks to Christine McGonagle.

*) Bugfix: the "proxy_pass", "fastcgi_pass", "uwsgi_pass", and
"scgi_pass" directives were not inherited inside "limit_except"

*) Bugfix: the "proxy_cache_min_uses", "fastcgi_cache_min_uses"
"uwsgi_cache_min_uses", and "scgi_cache_min_uses" directives did not
work; the bug had appeared in 0.8.46.

*) Bugfix: the "fastcgi_split_path_info" directive used incorrectly
captures, if only parts of an URI were captured.
Thanks to Yuriy Taraday and Frank Enderle.

*) Bugfix: the "rewrite" directive did not escape a ";" character
during copying from URI to query string.
Thanks to Daisuke Murase.

*) Bugfix: the ngx_http_image_filter_module closed a connection, if an
image was larger than "image_filter_buffer" size.


FlashFXP 是一个功能强大的 FXP/FTP 软件,融合了一些其他优秀 FTP 软件的优点,如像 CuteFTP 一样可以比较文件夹,支持彩色文字显示;像 BpFTP 支持多文件夹选择文件,能够缓存文件夹;像 LeapFTP 一样的外观界面,甚至设计思路也差相仿佛。本次发布的4.0版本有那么点脱胎换骨的感觉。

Changes in FlashFXP 4.0.0 Build 1459:
1. Fixed issue connecting to SSL/TLS FTP sites over a SOCKS proxy.

下载:FlashFXP 4.0.0 Build 1459 Beta Preview 1

Tomcat是由Apache软件基金会下属的Jakarta项目开发的一个Servlet容器,按照Sun Microsystems提供的技术规范,实现了对Servlet和JavaServer Page(JSP)的支持,并提供了作为 Web服务器的一些特有功能,如Tomcat管理和控制平台、安全域管理和Tomcat阀等。 下载:http://tomcat.apache.org/download-60.cgi

由于Tomcat本身也内含了一个HTTP服务器,它也可以 被视作一个单独的Web服务器。但是,不能将 Tomcat 和 Apache Web 服务器混淆,Apache Web Server 是一个用 C 语言实现的 HTTP web server;这两个 HTTP web server 不是捆绑在一起的。Apache Tomcat 包含了一个配置管理工具,也可以通过编辑 XML 格式的配置文件来进行配置。

MySQL(发音:[ˌmaɪ ɛs kjuː ˈɛl],但也经常读作My- SEQuel)是一个开放源码的关系数据库管理系统,开发者为瑞典MySQL AB公司,现为Sun公司的一部分。2009年Oracle宣布收购Sun公司,因此MySQL可能成为Oracle旗下产品。MySQL由于性能高、成 本低、可靠性好,已经成为最流行的开源数据库,被广泛地应用在Internet上的中小型网站中。随着MySQL的不断成熟,它也逐渐用于更多大规模网站 和应用,比如维基百科、Google和Facebook。非常流行的开源软件组合LAMP中的M就是指 MySQL。


昨日,在php官网上php5.2.x系列稳定版更新到php5.2.14,PHP5.3.x系列更新到PHP5.3.3。同时这个版本主要改进了 PHP5.2.x系列的稳定性,修复60多个BUG,部分BUG与安全相关。这个版本标志着对PHP5.2系列更新的结束,在此版本之后不再积极更新 PHP5.2x,其安全补丁可能以单个形式发布。

与此同时,PHP开发团队发布了PHP5.3.3,修复了近100个BUG,鼓励所有PHP5.2系列的用户升级到PHP5.3。 但是实际上国内很多PHP程序对PHP5.3的支持都有不少小问题。


<?php namespace Foo; class Bar { public function Bar() { // 在PHP 5.3.0-5.3.2版本作为构造函数 // 在PHP 5.3.3作为一个普通函数 } } ?>

以下是PHP5.3.3的修复清单。 Rewrote var_export() to use smart_str rather than output buffering, prevents data disclosure if a fatal error occurs (CVE-2010-2531).

  • Fixed a possible resource destruction issues in shm_put_var().
  • Fixed a possible information leak because of interruption of XOR operator.
  • Fixed a possible memory corruption because of unexpected call-time pass by refernce and following memory clobbering through callbacks.
  • Fixed a possible memory corruption in ArrayObject::uasort().
  • Fixed a possible memory corruption in parse_str().
  • Fixed a possible memory corruption in pack().
  • Fixed a possible memory corruption in substr_replace().
  • Fixed a possible memory corruption in addcslashes().
  • Fixed a possible stack exhaustion inside fnmatch().
  • Fixed a possible dechunking filter buffer overflow.
  • Fixed a possible arbitrary memory access inside sqlite extension.
  • Fixed string format validation inside phar extension.
  • Fixed handling of session variable serialization on certain prefix characters.
  • Fixed a NULL pointer dereference when processing invalid XML-RPC requests (Fixes CVE-2010-0397, bug #51288).
  • Fixed SplObjectStorage unserialization problems (CVE-2010-2225).
  • Fixed possible buffer overflows in mysqlnd_list_fields, mysqlnd_change_user.
  • Fixed possible buffer overflows when handling error packets in mysqlnd.
  • Key enhancements in PHP 5.3.3 include:
  • Upgraded bundled sqlite to version
  • Upgraded bundled PCRE to version 8.02.
  • Added FastCGI Process Manager (FPM) SAPI.
  • Added stream filter support to mcrypt extension.
  • Added full_special_chars filter to ext/filter.
  • Fixed a possible crash because of recursive GC invocation.
  • Fixed bug #52238 (Crash when an Exception occured in iterator_to_array).
  • Fixed bug #52041 (Memory leak when writing on uninitialized variable returned from function).
  • Fixed bug #52060 (Memory leak when passing a closure to method_exists()).
  • Fixed bug #52001 (Memory allocation problems after using variable variables).
  • Fixed bug #51723 (Content-length header is limited to 32bit integer with Apache2 on Windows).
  • Fixed bug #48930 (__COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ incorrect in PHP >= 5.3).
  • For users upgrading from PHP 5.2 there is a migration guide available on http://php.net/migration53, detailing the changes between those releases and PHP 5.3.


  • Rewrote var_export() to use smart_str rather than output buffering, prevents data disclosure if a fatal error occurs.
  • Fixed a possible interruption array leak in strrchr().(CVE-2010-2484)
  • Fixed a possible interruption array leak in strchr(), strstr(), substr(), chunk_split(), strtok(), addcslashes(), str_repeat(), trim().
  • Fixed a possible memory corruption in substr_replace().
  • Fixed SplObjectStorage unserialization problems (CVE-2010-2225).
  • Fixed a possible stack exaustion inside fnmatch().
  • Fixed a NULL pointer dereference when processing invalid XML-RPC requests (Fixes CVE-2010-0397, bug #51288).
  • Fixed handling of session variable serialization on certain prefix characters.
  • Fixed a possible arbitrary memory access inside sqlite extension. Reported by Mateusz Kocielski.
  • Key enhancements in PHP 5.2.14 include:
  • Upgraded bundled PCRE to version 8.02.
  • Updated timezone database to version 2010.5.
  • Fixed bug #52238 (Crash when an Exception occured in iterator_to_array).
  • Fixed bug #52237 (Crash when passing the reference of the property of a non-object).
  • Fixed bug #52041 (Memory leak when writing on uninitialized variable returned from function).
  • Fixed bug #51822 (Segfault with strange __destruct() for static class variables).
  • Fixed bug #51552 (debug_backtrace() causes segmentation fault and/or memory issues).
  • Fixed bug #49267 (Linking fails for iconv on MacOS: "Undefined symbols: _libiconv").
