肥兔 发布的文章



The wiki.php.net boxwas compromised and the attackers were able to collect wiki account credentials. No other machines in the php.net infrastructure appear to have been affected. Our biggest concern is, of course, the integrity of our source code. We did an extensive code audit and looked at every commit since 5.3.5 to make sure that no stolen accounts were used to inject anything malicious. Nothing was found. The compromised machine has been wiped and we are forcing a password change for all svn accounts.
We are still investigating the details of the attack which combined a vulnerability in the Wiki software with a Linux root exploit.

- 阅读剩余部分 -

Pure-FTPd 是一个自由的(BSD) FTP 服务器. 它能够在许多的类Unix系统上编译和运行,包括 Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFly BSD, Solaris, Tru64, Darwin, Irix and HP-UX 等.
Pure-FTPd 基于 Troll-FTPd,当前由Frank Denis 领导的团队开发维护.
pureftpd 今早紧急发布了1.0.30版本,主要就是修复了一个STARTTLS加密方面的漏洞(CVE-2011-0411),如果你的ftp正在使用TLS的话,请立即升级。


Pure-FTPd 1.0.30 has been released.
pure-quotacheck can now work with a large number of files.
OPTS UTF-8 is now an alias to OPTS UTF8.
Fix a STARTTLS flaw similar to Postfix’s CVE-2011-0411. If you’re using TLS, upgrading is recommended.

MD5 (pure-ftpd-1.0.30.tar.bz2) = 865a9020dbe48d30913c796ac3ec1f32
MD5 (pure-ftpd-1.0.30.tar.gz) = 29e2a68e756d09f4aff8f4f76435b020

Since releasing Imagevue X2.6 a weeks ago, we have released a few revisions that fix some minor bugs in X2.6. This is a compilation log of release revisions from 2.6.1 through to 2.6.4

* Fix: Bug that caused Imagevue to not work if audio player is disabled
* Fix: “View as” list bug when upgrading from the previous version
* Fix: Imagevue Touch shortcut Icon
* Fix: javascript Error in IE
* Fix: Removed shadow artifacts
* Fix: IIS REQUEST_URI incompatibility
* Fix: Path in “Can’t save configuration file” error
* Fix: Bugs with authorization (2.6.3)
* Fix: Small typo in config (2.6.3)
* Fix: for folderOpen.gif 404 (2.6.3)
* Fix: Infinite recursion bug which affects only certain versions of PHP5.2 (2.6.2)
* Fix: IPTC National chars issue (2.6.1)

更新信息 http://imagevuex.com/updatelog/imagevue-x2-6-4/

演示 http://imagevuex.com/demo/x2/

下载地址 http://www.gokuai.com/f/6x86EG1K99TG0013