肥兔 发布的文章

Imagevue X2.8.8 - Feb 6, 2013

Lazy loading images in mobile gallery
Favicon for Internet Explorer 10
Mobile video player in Images mode
Added audio player pause if Youtube/vimeo lightbox video
Fixed Mobile gallery on iPhone 5
Fixed Mobile links on images, thumbnails, description and textpages
Fixed Video Thumbnails with spaces and quotes in file names
Fixed Resize on Upload
Fixed close button removal, if not autohide, when navigating from picture to textpage
Fixed map view

Download link : http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=271475&uk=2181097612


Imagevue X2.8.7 - Dec 30, 2012

Setting for disabling mouse panning on full scale settings.image.image.image_panning
Added optional progress indicators: bar, spin, none. settings.image.image.progress_bar
Fixed progress bar
Improved MP3, MP4 file handling
Restricted user can't delete or change its home folder
Numerical user names are accepted
Added Czech language

Download link : http://s2.mgu.cc/2013/01/01/imagevuex287.zip
